Help for Self-Help

A secure foundation stone






Supported Churches

Why are we doing this?

Sometimes it may be challenging  for our missionaries to receive the financial support needed for both cost of living and ministry work.   Through our Help for Self-Help program, we provide opportunities for our missionaries to generate income through individual self-help projects.

Sergiu Tutelea

Sergiu Tutelea is a pastor in Bravicea.  He has bred some bee colonies and built bee boxes through the help of donors.  He can sell the honey profitably. He also trains young people to become beekeepers, who can then earn their own living.

Mihail Lapcinschi

Mihail Lapcinschi was able to build a cow shed and buy some cows through the project.  Selling milk, butter and cheese now opens up new opportunities for him.  He often gives away his milk to needy people who have very little.  The farm brings enough profit that he even employs a salaried worker who can now also provide for his family. His agricultural work has had a great effect on those in and out of his community. People see that he is not “just” talking to people, but working very practically for his money.  Through his diligence, he has become a role model for many others.

David Schuparschi

David Schuparschi is a pastor in the Novie Sasuleny church.  David and his wife organize church services and care for sponsored children and their families. They visit the elderly and sick and provide pastoral care for those in need. In order to secure their financial basis, they were provided with the funds for a chicken coop.

Nicolai Reaboconi

Nicolai Reaboconi lives in the village of Tschenischeuzi.  He invests all his time in his work as a pastor and in the people of his village.  To support him and his family even better, we helped him to renovate a barn and buy animals: two cows, calves, pigs, goats and chickens.  A small tractor was bought so that he could provide the animals with feed and work the fields. With the new tractor he can now also help others in the village.
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